SlowView Help System
View Menu

Show Toolbar: Toggles the toolbar on or off, where you can reach various features by clicking on the corresponding icon.
Show Status Bar: Toggles the status bar on or off, which displays the filename, dimension, size, number of order, file date and time, and the loading time.

Fit Images: Various forms of fitting images to the view area. Fit to window, Fit only Big images to window, and Always show Full Size.

Always Maximize: Various forms of fitting images to the view area.
Show Image As Tile Map: Repeatedly displays the image, filling the screen.

Full Screen: Toggles the view to full screen mode.
Use last window position/Size: Displays window in last saved position.
Save last window position/Size: Saves window in current position.

File: Loads and displays the next supported media in the folder.
  • Next: Loads and displays the next media in the folder.
  • Previous: Loads and displays the previous media in the folder.
  • First: Loads and displays the first media in the folder.
  • Last: Loads and displays the last mediain the folder.
  • Random: Loads and displays a randomly selected media from the folder.

Video/Media:  Change video size, toggle video playbar and Loop Video or Music.
Browser style: Change between Browse, Report and List modes.

Zoom In: Makes the image bigger.
Zoom Out: Makes the image smaller.
Original Size: Displays the image in its original size.
Lock Zoom: Locks current zoom size. This is then too used for other images when you load them.

Start/Stop Slide Show: Starts and stops the slideshow as set up in the Viewer tab of the Options panel.